Atomic Lures

Atomic Cicada Lure

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Atomic Cicada Lure – Hardz 35 model

The Atomic Cicada lure is a must-have for any river and estuary angler who loves spring and summer topwater action. The Atomic Cicada Lure for sale now is a floating surface lure, designed to look identical to our famous Cicada.

A key feature is that the Cicada lure is so easy to use. A simple, slow retrieve will extract an action that mimics a stricken Cicada, flailing about in the water. The wings will create plenty of noise and water displacement, calling predators from quite a distance.

You will be targeting Bass and Bream as well as Grunters. Perch will also take to the Atomic Cicada, and you can expect interest from fish above the 40cm class.

Mangrove Jacks will take interest at dawn and dusk, mainly if you can get your cast right under the overhanging branches. Although a relatively small lure, a strike from a big Jack is likely and you may well find you have your work cut out for you up against this dirty fighter.

For more excitement than you can handle, cast your Cicada at a Saratoga. These are an excellent lure for fishing in all different light conditions and makes for a great after dark lure.

There is nothing quite like the excitement of summer surface action. The Atomic Cicada Lure for sale now will generate plenty of explosive surface action wherever you fish it.

Features and Specifications

  • Model: Atomic Hardz Cicada Lure
  • Depth: Topwater
  • Buoyancy: Floating
  • Type: Surface Fishing Lure
  • Length: 37mm
  • Weight: Approximately 4.3 grams
  • Action: A slow retrieve imparts the effect of a stricken cicada floundering in the water

Important Notice: Model is Hardz 35 (you don’t get 35 lures just for any avoidance of doubt). The price shown reflects one single lure only. Pick the colour your require then order it. Multiple images are for reference.

Atomic Hardz Cicada Lure Buyers Guide

The Hardz cicada is a lure that will fish well in either freshwater or saltwater. Essentially it's our most prominent selling pattern for Australian bass in spring and summer. It’s also ideal for targeting perch and grunter but doesn’t stop a bream or EP from having a go either at any time of the year.

Our bestselling colours are often the darker or more neutral colours especially for bass fisherman that fish at dusk. Throughout the day it is best to mix and match and have a variety of colours in your tackle kit. So, if your funds allow you to do so, we strongly suggest purchasing at least a small range of colours. Cover all your bases.


  • The perfect surface fishing lure for the summer when the cicadas are active. Cicadas are a highly prized target of an estuary or river species that feed on the surface.
  • The lure size makes them an excellent option for a broad variety of species and will attack fish of board size.
  • At 4.3 grams the lure cast extremely well on lighter class lines. Use with braided lines to extract premium action.
  • The lure is very easy to use. Extracting an enticing action requires little rod work making it an ideal bait for all skill levels.

The Atomic Cicada Lure for sale now delivers outstanding results when the summer is at its height, and the cicadas are everywhere. Buy one or if funds allow buy a selection of colours and stock the top shelf of your summer lure kit for non-stop surface action.


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