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Whiz Freedom Female Urinary Funnel

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Whiz Freedom – Female Urinary Funnel Aid

Every now and then a brilliant mind comes up with a brilliant idea and turns it into a brilliant product that makes life easier. In this case, it’s all about making life a little bit easier for the girls. Whiz freedom is a product that allows women to control the direction of their pee. Curious? What relevance does this have to fishing and camping web site? Read on, this is an awesome product and for reasons that will become apparent, we expect many customers of the male variety.

Evolution, in its wisdom, provided men with a urethra in which they could easily control the flow and direction of their urine. For women, for some strange reason of natural selection, were not afforded the same convenience. If you have ever been in the situation where you have witnessed a female try to pee in a bottle, or like receptacle, having a sense of humour is pretty well the only way pride will be salvaged.

Simply put, the Whiz Freedom device cups the female urethral opening with a chamber that funnels down to a directional tube. She is now quite easily able to direct the flow. BRILLIANT! There is any number of situations where this will be of significant assistance. There is no mess, no leakage, it can be used by girls of 8 to ladies of 80. The Whizz Freedom can be used over and over. There is no retained wetness or odour. It simply fits into a plastic bag and will fit in a hand bag or pocket for later use.

The girls will no longer have to make contact with the seat of a public toilet and that’s certainly a big one. But the best way to think of the potential of the Whiz Freedom is to use your imagination and think of all those places and situations where men can pee anywhere easily and women cannot. For the boat angling family, this is perfect for the girls to pee in a bucket, over the side or into a bottle without having to get undressed, balance on the gunnels squat in a bucket, or worse still, direct the boat and all who sail in it back to the boat ramp. Again, Brilliant! Check out the features and uses listed below.

Features and Specifications

  • Made from a medical grade elastomer
  • Infused with antibacterial, anti-microbial and antifungal protection
  • Will repel all liquid as all liquid rolls off i.e. is repelled off it
  • Reusable
  • Remains dry immediately after use

Note: Image for illustration only - colour may vary

Perfect for

  • Anyone who is often outdoors whether it be those who love to go bush walking, hiking, fishing, skiing or even those ladies who work out doors or enjoy a spot of golf. Perfect for just about any outdoor activity.
  • Those situations where you are just about dancing yet there is no toilet in sight
  • Woman in a town or city environment amongst hustle and bustle and filthy public toilets
  • Public transport – have you ever stepped inside a toilet cubical on a public train? Enough said! Also on an aeroplane or coach as a couple of other examples
  • Those in environmentally hostile surroundings such as army, police or navy personal.
  • Those surrounded by a lot of men – at least you will still have some dignity even if they get a laugh.
  • Those in a rush and always on the road such as sales reps, business professionals, female truck drivers, delivery drivers etc.


  • As the materiels used to manufacture the whiz freedom urinary device are anti bacterial and hydrophobic you can keep this item on hand with confidence.
  • It’s not good to hold on. If you need to go, then you need to go. If you hold it can cause all sorts of issues. Use a Whiz Freedom to solve this dilemma.

The Whiz Freedom is safe, hygienic and just about one of the most convenient devices for women every produced. Grab a couple and keep them in the boat or keep one in your fishing bag or camping kit. You daughters and your wife will love you for it.


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